Dear Support Team and Friends,
Thank you for your loving concerns, prayers, and financial support despite the difficult and challenging circumstances of the worldwide pandemic. Your support had enabled the Entrust ministry to continue through Hannah's Home. We have provided bags of food to families in the local community during the pandemic's critical outbreak. Throughout the locked down period, weekly Bible studies and counseling were made available via Zoom. Just when we are seeing some glimpse of hope among the group of abused women being counseled regularly, a series of super typhoons hit the country just for the past three weeks – Molave, Goni, Ulysses. At this writing, there are still submerged houses.
Now, more than ever, I am seeking your support to help alleviate my countrymen's situation. If you have reusable clothes, beddings, towels, and canned foods, kindly call 703-489-0804 for pick up arrangements. Monetary contribution can be sent to:
Emily Garcia at 1222 Providence Terrace, McLean VA 22101.
I cannot thank you enough for all that you do to support this ministry of providing physical, emotional, and spiritual upliftment of the underprivileged and impoverished. God bless you and keep you and your family safe and secure always.
In Christ's love,
Emily Garcia